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Administration of Central District

A Large Section of the Water Pipeline is Being Replaced in the Pivnichnyi District of Mykolaiv

Published on 23.05.2023

A large section of the water pipeline is being replaced in the Pivnichnyi district of Mykolaiv. Mayor Oleksandr Sienkevych reported on this.

"Residents here often had problems with water supply due to pipe bursts. We decided not to patch it up but to completely replace more than a kilometer of pipes. The materials for the repair were provided to Mykolaivvodokanal by the Danish Refugee Council, so we are spending funds only on the work itself.

This is an important section of the network as it supplies water to the residents of Pivnichnyi and Ternivka. Therefore, we are not waiting for the end of the war but are already working to ensure people receive water without interruption.

After completing the work, we will flush the new network, connect the apartment buildings to it, build inspection wells, and tidy up the area."