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Approved Strategy for the Development of Mykolaiv Until 2027

Published on 11.07.2024

In April this year, during a regular session of the city council, deputies supported the development document for the city territorial community for the period until 2027, along with an action plan for its implementation.

As the Director of the Department of Economic Development, Tatyana Shulichenko, explained, the process of developing the document took almost a year. Experts from the UNDP, Mykolaiv specialists in various fields, the public, and foreign companies were involved in this process.

Throughout the year, a working group involving the public developed this document. The master plan developers also participated - the Italian company One Works and the Danish COWI. They considered the existing developments regarding water supply, solid waste management, energy, and various concepts for urban environment development. Public involvement was ensured through focus group surveys. In total, more than 2,000 people participated, providing their ideas and highlighting key issues that need to be addressed in the development strategy of the Mykolaiv territorial community.

Tatyana Shulichenko, Director of the Economic Development Department of Mykolaiv City Council city council

The document considers three development scenarios: optimistic, baseline, and inertial (pessimistic). They determine both security factors and external and internal environments. All measures presented in the strategy implementation plan will be adjusted according to these scenarios. Based on the survey, scenarios, analysis of the socio-economic situation, and development trends, four main strategic goals were formed. These are: a safe and resilient community, a comfortable community, a competitive community, and a partnership community. Within the strategic goals, operational objectives have been developed, which are implemented through projects and specific measures.

The sources of funding for the strategy are diverse. Besides city and state funds, donor funds will also be utilized. The strategy's monitoring and adjustment of measures will be conducted annually according to the scenario in effect.

The work on the document lasted about 10 months. Specialists from the city council, representatives of the public and scientific institutions, experts, including those from international organizations and companies - UNDP, UNECE, One Works, COWI - were involved in the document's development. On December 29, the working group on the development of the Mykolaiv Development Strategy held an extended meeting during which the final version of the document was presented.