Founded in 1956, the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is the largest international NGO in Denmark, with specific expertise in forced displacement. DRC is present in close to 40 countries and employs 9,000 staff globally.

DRC advocates for the rights of and solutions for displacement-affected communities and assists at all stages of displacement: In an acute crisis, in exile, when settling and integrating into a new place, or upon return. DRC supports displaced persons in becoming self-reliant and included in hosting societies. DRC works with civil society and responsible authorities to promote the protection of rights and inclusion.

Cooperation with Mykolaiv

DRC began programming in Ukraine in 1998, carrying out reintegration projects in Crimea, developing later, in 2014, to a larger-scale presence in the Donbas region. DRC scaled up its operations in response to the escalation in conflict in February 2022. It is now one of the largest international NGO operations in Ukraine, responding to the needs of conflict and displacement-affected communities across the country.

The DRC office was established in Mykolaiv in January 2023, but even before the opening of the office in Mykolaiv, DRC had been actively assisting the city. For instance, in 2022, DRC helped purchase reverse osmosis water purification stations, which were installed throughout the city, and supplied materials for emergency repairs of apartment buildings, houses, and public buildings.

DRC has several sectors of assistance, namely Protection, Economic Recovery, Shelter & Settlements, and Humanitarian Disarmament and Peacebuilding. DRC has already supported thousands of Mykolaiv and Mykolaiv Oblast citizens under these sectors and continues to aid the most vulnerable populations in Mykolaiv and across Ukraine.

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Danish Refugee Council 

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